Sometimes a vacation is needed

Ed and I just returned from Maui, Hawaii.  We have never been to Hawaii before and it was fantastic. Like a dream really.

ed and me

I was invited to go by Yammer as a part of the Presidents Club. It was such an honor to celebrate, relax and enjoy the time spent with my co-workers and my husband. And the ocean wasn’t too bad either.


However, leaving my team and my customers for this amount of time – I was worried about un-plugging and not letting everything unravel so I would have a lot to clean up when I got back.

  • When your team has a certain level of trust with each other, it doesn’t matter if someone is out or has a doctors appointment or on vacation. Everyone steps in, provides, shares and gets done what’s needed. I love my team for being awesome and doing just that. They rock.
  • While my Yammer notifications were a bit insane after about 1.5 hrs I had gone thru everything. I couldn’t believe it. I love love Yammer so much, and just one more reason why I love it. The way the conversations CAN KEEP HAPPENING even if you are out of the office. my out of office currently to my internal emails:

    “Thanks for your email – Have you considered posting it to Yammer? You will probably get a faster response! Thanks, Allison Michels”

  • OOO are so silly. But seriously. Not joking. I think it has helped with the insane emails that could be posted on yammer. I haven’t turned this OOO off yet because I think its actually keeping my email messages down for the rest of the week.  If you use Yammer or another social tool – try it. Especially when you go on vacation. Instead of emails getting stuck in your inbox – get them out in the open so others can respond and take care of it.
  • It was just a nice  breath of fresh air and to travel for fun vs to travel for business (been on the road almost every week of 2013…) was a nice feeling.

When’s the last time you really unplugged and had a vacation? What did you love most ? What was it like coming back and catching up? How do you manage that?

four seasons

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